What is Convergence Excess Treatment?

Convergence excess is a vision disorder that affects the ability of the eyes to focus on nearby objects. It is a common condition that can cause eye strain, headaches, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage convergence excess and improve the vision prepared by RaiseTwice team.

Causes of Convergence Excess Treatment

Convergence excess occurs when the eyes over-converge or turns inward too much when focusing on nearby objects. This can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, neurological disorders, and environmental factors like prolonged computer use or reading.

Symptoms of Convergence Excess Treatment

The symptoms of convergence excess can include:

  • Eye strain or discomfort when performing near work
  • Headaches, especially after prolonged reading or computer use
  • Double vision or blurred vision, especially when reading
  • Difficulty maintaining focus when reading or doing close work
  • A feeling of eye fatigue or tiredness

Diagnosing Convergence Excess Treatment

To diagnose convergence excess, an eye doctor will typically perform a comprehensive eye exam. This may include tests to measure the extent of the eye turn, as well as an assessment of the individual’s overall eye health and vision.

Convergence Excess Treatment

Convergence Excess Treatment

There are several treatment options available for convergence excess, including:

  • Glasses or contact lenses. Prescription lenses can help to correct the alignment of the eyes and reduce eye strain.
  • Vision therapy. This type of therapy involves exercises and activities designed to strengthen the eye muscles and improve the ability of the eyes to work together.
  • Prism lenses. These specialized lenses can help correct the alignment of the eyes and reduce the symptoms of convergence excess.
  • Surgery. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the alignment of the eyes.

Prevention of Convergence Excess Treatment

While convergence excess may have a genetic component, there are several steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of developing this condition, including:

  • Taking frequent breaks when performing close work, such as reading or using a computer.
  • Maintaining a proper distance from computer screens or other electronic devices.
  • Using proper lighting when reading or doing close work.
  • Practicing good eye hygiene, such as washing hands before touching your eyes.

Coping with Convergence Excess Treatment

Individuals with convergence excess may experience some discomfort, especially when performing close work. It is important to take regular breaks and engage in relaxation exercises to reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Vision Therapy for Convergence Excess Treatment

Vision therapy is a type of treatment that can help individuals with convergence excess to improve their vision and reduce symptoms. This type of therapy involves exercises and activities designed to strengthen the eye muscles and improve the ability of the eyes to work together.

Convergence Excess Treatment Surgery

Surgery may be necessary in severe cases of convergence excess. This type of surgery is typically performed by an ophthalmologist or a specialist in strabismus. And its aim is to correct the alignment of the eyes.


Convergence excess is a common vision disorder that can cause discomfort and other symptoms. However, there are several treatment options available to help manage this condition and improve vision. It is important to work with an eye doctor to determine the best treatment plan based on individual needs and symptoms. Also, if you are struggling with mental health problems you need to find a solution with more tips from our experts.